Right click on users list in main window or tray icon displays menu with all available software features.
Message box - displays dialog that allows you to send short message as "Windows Communicator Message", "Windows Communicator message and EMail", "EMail',"Schedule message". You have to fill your smtp server informations in Nick details if you want to sent your messages through EMail.
Message box always brings to front.
You cannot send message to users who asks you not to disturb.
More - message can be send to more then one user. Select online or offline users you want to send your message to. Offline messages will be queued.
Schedule message - Windows Communicator server keeps all messages that you scheduled to send at defined date/time until receipient joins the net or message becomes time expired.
 Schedule message
Message history - Windows Communicator can save all chat and remote operations logs in local files. This window allows you to preview old messages and remove unused items.
 Message history
Public - messages sorted by sent time
Private - like above, but depend on user
Message box:
Sent and received - sent and received messages, depend on user
Scheduled - scheduled messages, awaiting in queue (messages sent to offline users and messages scheduled to send at defined date/time)
Features - remote operations logs, depend on remote access type.
Private chat - opens private tab in main window allow you to chat with one user only. To switch between tabs press Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab - backward. To close - write /close or drop private tab header (user nick) and press X
 Private and public tab
 Private "floating" window
Channels - use channels to chat privately with more than one user. By default channel messages are enrcypted for ALL outgoing messages using built in Communicator encryption key. That means, if someone try to overhear your conversation using sniffer or other cracking software, he will see the encrypted messages only. Of course, built in encryption key can be cracked, but if you use custom encyption key known you and your friends nobody will crack your messages.
Remote execute - this option allows you to run any application on other network computer. Add path (end user path) to local file , select your applications launch mode .
 Remote execute dialog
Shutdown - shuts down, powers off, reboots or logs off others compuuter.
List applications - list running application on network computer, you can terminate running programs.
 List application
Request screenshot - get screenshot of remote machine with original screen resolution.
 Request screenshot
Keyboard monitor - spy typed keys by your network neighbour.
 Keyboard monitor
File transfer -
this feature allows you to send the files via Windows Communicator. Just drag the files into File Transfer window to
add them to upload queue. Push the transfer button to start uploading. Your client must agree the transfer so, wait for respond. There are no limitation of files size.
 File transfer
User details - displays informations about user : First name, surname, EMail, operating system, unique network interface card number (MAC address), join time, not available message (wrote by user on state change) and others.
Besides application checks for FTP/HTTP/Telnet accessibility . This can take some time , so please be patient.
 User detalis
-----------Ignore user-----------
This add user to ignore list. No message from this user will be received by your computer and no message sent be you will be displayed on ignored user screen.
Online - switch do onlinemode.
Away - auto set after 10 minutes of inactivity or manually.
Not Available - auto set after 20 minutes of inactivity or manually.
Do Not Disturb - switch to DND mode if you are busy and don't want to receive any messages. This mode prevent main window to popup on screen on bring to front. Remember, nobody can send you messagebox if you are in DND mode !!! . The only way to talk with you is writing messages to private chat window by other users and waiting for your answer.
Not available message - you can leave the message to let others know why you are not available.
 Not available message
 Reason (manual status change)

Reconnect connects again to defined servers. Use on server changes or on connection lost.
Switch logged user to another one. Dialog allows you to define new users or edit exiting data. If you are using Windows Communicator alone, select "Automatically log default user". This prevent Logon dialog from being displayed at startup.
 Select user
Network - Local Area Network tab for LAN users, or Internet - if you want to connect to Windows Communicator server available on the internet.
 Local Area Network
Security - allow/deny access for remote executing.
Security window allows you do customize you security level depends on user.
- "Allowed for everyone" - remote operation available for every user.
- "Denied for everyone" - remote operation denied for everyone
- "Allowed for" - you can define your custom security list of users
There are three different methods of security autentication - nick, MAC address (unique address of you network interface card) and the IP address. Leaving field blank means the parameter will be ignored .
The first item of sample (picture above) means - remote operation available for user "Radek", which Ip mus be, the second item - remote operation is allowed for Every User whose nick is Olo, without checking the IP and the MAC address.
Adding user
There is a list of users at the right side of window available as hint. You can simply click on user to autofill the fields or enter the data manually .
Logs setup - every log can by customized be each user in Logs Setup Window .
 Logs setup
Other settings - tray notification of incoming message - when you disable the popup window option, the only way to monitor incoming messages is sound and/or tray icon notification.
Allow local machine to be a server - when your windows Communicator client cannot localize Windows Communicator Server then internal (built in) Windows Communcator server is activating, and you will finally connect to your own computer. If you always connect to dedicated server disable this checkbox.
Blend level - makes your Windows Communicsator window transparent, so you can set the main window to "always on top" and read all incoming messages while working with another application. Windows 2000 and newer.
-----------Other options-----------
Floating users list, drop the users list and put anywhere you want on desktop.
 User list
Ctrl+Shift+F - launch kids security (vulgar words filter)- this option is hidden and not available as menu item to prevent your kids from disabling the filter.
 Message filtering
Command line switches:
/msg <user> <message> - message box to user
/topic <text> - changes Windows Communicator caption
Autodetect topic
address method
internet address sample /topic Check my web site http://www.test.com
- local area
network sample /topic Please read "\\john\documents\important.doc"
/c or /clear - clear message window
/close - close private chat or channel
/me makes someting - replaces /me with your nick (results "Mike makes something")