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Designed by pup design  pupdesign@storm.pl

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Windows Communicator           

  • Windows Communicator Registration Server

Tray application based on Interbase SQL Server. WC Registration Server opens port 5600 and waits for Windows Communicator Clients queries to display in their Network Dialog all available Windows Communicator Servers available on the Internet.

Default Windows Communicator Registration Server is available on WC author address .

Windows Communicator Registration Server also registers Windows Communicator users' Servers and allows to remove server from list, update and so on...

For all Windows Communicator Registration Server updates, inserts or removes events server sends reply to Windows Communicator Server owner (registered Email).

WC Registration Server pings all registered WC Servers every 2 hours. If server is not available the server status is changed to "not available" , if the server is not available 7 days, WC Registration Server removes it from database.

Configuration file - WCRegServer.conf

#Interbase server path

#RegServer adminstrator's smtp server - notification for clients
#"Server has been removed" etc.
FromText=From: "Windows Communicator Server" <admin@host.pl>



  • Plugins

Windows Communicator plugins uses two modes (DLL export functions)

1. Run as service - Windows Communicator browse \Plugins folder for DLL libraries, then loads them into memory and executes procedure RunPluginAsService (ParentApp : THandle;aLoggedUser: String; aUsersList : TtblUsers);StdCall;

This procedure is useful for permanent operations like timers, schedulers, mail checking. Body of this procedure would looks like that

procedure RunPluginAsService (ParentApp : THandle;aLoggedUser: String; aUsersList : TtblUsers);StdCall;
aTimer := TTimer.Create;
aTimer.OnTimer := ShowMeMessageEveryMinute;
aTimer.Interval := 1000 * 60;
aTimer.Enabled :=true;

If your plugin doesn't needs timers leave this procedure empty.

2. Run plugin - procedure RunPlugin (ParentApp : THandle;aLoggedUser: String; aSelUser : String;aUsersList : TtblUsers);StdCall;

This procedure is launched when user clicks on plugin item in Windows Communicator menu. 
This procedure should be used to display for example configuration window if "Run as service" is used or just display any window - games, exports users data to txt file and others....  

The rest of exported functions 

  • GetPluginCaption - information for Windows Communicator menu builder - you should enter as result your plugin name
    Function GetPluginCaption : ShortString; Stdcall;
    Result := 'My new plugin';
  • WriteSocketData (SocketID:Integer;SocketData:String); StdCall; - this procedure is used by Windows Communicator Client to post socket message to plugins. This message is send to every plugin (DLL) from \Plugins folder.
    Message flow looks as follows :
    Plugin -----> WC Client1 -----> WC Server ----->WC Client2 ----> Plugin
    Example of communicating between plugins :

    Sender :

    procedure RunPlugin (ParentApp : THandle;aLoggedUser: String; aSelUser : String;aUsersList : TtblUsers);StdCall;
           sSendMsg : = '050 %s|%s|'+#13#10;
                          Longint(Format(sSendMsg,['Micheal','Hello Michael'),0);

    *) Michael is a user from aUsersList stringlist
    **) If you want to send message to selected user just use aSelUser
    ***) Every send information must contain message ID ('050 blehbleh.....

    Warning! You can use message IDs from 030 up to 099 only, all other numbers are reserved or ignored
    Add "0" before you send message , and #13#10 as end of message i.e. 
    sSendMsg : = '50 %s|%s|';  //----> incorrect
    sSendMsg : = '050 %s|%s|'+#13#10;  //----> correct
    Use "|" as separator.
    I suggest you to use JclStrings's function StrTokenToStrings to decode  message in receiver. JclStrings is available here.

    Receiver :

    procedure WriteSocketData (SocketID:Integer;SocketData:String); StdCall;
    if SocketID = 50 then
       ShowMessage('Incoming message : ' +SocketData);

